I’ve wanted to play it ever since I saw the gameplay and I’ve finally had the chance to do so.
The combat in the game is absolutely fantastic, especially when combined with building and assembling the different mechs.
Having to experiment and try different approaches due to either your own mech or to what the enemy is doing is such fun loop, especially discovering a certain tactic or style of play that completely turns it into cake walk.
I remember reading certain impressions online that the game was frustratingly difficult, when in actuality they don’t understand how it works.
When you’re stone walled and can’t get anywhere, you’d only need to take a step-back and just look at what your approach is going, whether that’s your style of play or your build. It’s like a Gran Turismo or any sort of Motorsport game where you have to find the right set-up to be competitive.
I just finished the Balteus boss fight, but I’m taking time just S-ranking the previous missions and trying out different builds.
I guess I just needed a break from all the RPGs and story based game I’ve been playing.
これまでプレイしてきた RPG やストーリーベースのゲームからちょっと休憩が必要だったんだと思います。
Yes, Armored Core VI is so relentlessly cool, the atmosphere is also so intoxicating, the vibes, the way people talk. Fricking Handler Walter when he says 621
Got a job for you, 621…
My GOTY last year. Loved spending hours designing my mechs colors and having all these different loadouts for different styles of missions.
Also, starting off the story, it didn’t feel like anything special but I found myself pretty hooked on the narrative by the second and third playthrough. The mysterious tone, voice acting and music really sold it.
I find the game is a bit heavy on circle-strafing, but I still couldn’t agree more. The fast-paced, omnidirectional combat is extremely cool.
If you love fromsoft you’ll love this game. Yeah it’s totally different in its structure, playstyle, and world but it has a lot of design philosophies in common with souls games (challenging but fair combat, build variety, understated but powerful worldbuilding, built for multiple ng+ runs)
フロムソフトが好きなら、このゲームも好きになるでしょう。確かに構造、プレイスタイル、世界観はまったく異なりますが、ソウル ゲームと共通する設計哲学がたくさんあります (挑戦的でありながら公平な戦闘、ビルドの多様性、控えめでありながら強力な世界構築、複数の NG+ 実行用に構築)
I got it on my birthday last year and when I finally got around to playing it, it ended up being the last game I got to play with the company of my cat.
And Armored Core 2 was the first PS2 game my dad got me as a surprise gift the Christmas PS2 came out. Glad you enjoyed it too!
そして、アーマード・コア 2 は、PS2 がクリスマスに発売されたときに父がサプライズプレゼントとして私にくれた最初の PS2 ゲームでした。あなたも楽しんでくれて嬉しいです!
I love this game! I spend like 6 hours on the pre-nerf Balteus, it was insane and it’s probably my favorite FROM boss so far. It’s crazy underrated, I enjoyed it more than Elden Ring. My only critique is that the first chapter is really slow story-wise on the first playthrough, kind of a giant tutorial
I absolutely adore this game. I was initially scared off by people calling it simple and brainless, but the Fromsoftware trademark got the best of me.
私はこのゲームが大好きです。最初は、このゲームが単純で頭が要らないと評されて怖気付いていましたが、Fromsoftware の商標に惹かれました。
Now I’m almost at the end of my second playthrough, and I can confidently say this game is amazing. The combat is frantic and really fun, you feel and play like a badass. And whenever any build gets repetitive, you can just switch it all up and have an entirely different combat experience based on the same fundamentals.
今、私は 2 回目のプレイをほぼ終えようとしていますが、このゲームは素晴らしいと自信を持って言えます。戦闘は激しく、本当に楽しいです。自分がすごい人になったような気分になり、プレイできます。また、ビルドが単調になったときは、すべてを切り替えるだけで、同じ基本に基づいたまったく異なる戦闘体験をすることができます。
One thing that really surprised me how invested I became in the story. I feel this is storytelling at its best. The story is just incredibly creative and feels very novel to me: working for all these giant corporations. There is no good guy, but you do get attached to certain characters, which makes every decision hard and every death painful. This is such a cool world to spend time in.
I’m really hoping there will be DLC, but even if not, this game unexpectedly takes a high spot on my list of masterpieces.
DLC が出ることを心から願っていますが、たとえ出なくても、このゲームは意外にも私の傑作リストの上位にランクインしています。